Do You Know How To Set BRIDGE Mode On FP Amplifier?

How To Set BRIDGE Mode On FP Amplifier?

Views : 10150
Update time : 2022-03-25 10:40:00
For recently,we have client inquiry the 2 channels power amplifier FP24000,but we will recommand clients use the 4 channels FP20000Q power amplifier.
Why we do this?
Becaues the FP24000 is FP20000Q power amplifier bridge 4 channels to 2 channels,and the FP20000Q power amplifier have Short circuit protection built-in,but the FP24000 without this function.
If you want use the FP20000Q to FP24000 how to do with it?Click up video.

What is bridging?
Bridging is the connection method for professional audio amplifiers - bridge mode.Briefly, the bridge of the amplifier connects both outputs to a set of loads (speaker or speaker system). Increase the output voltage of the amplifier to increase power. And the audio will not be distorted during this process.

How to set Bridge Mode? 
We need to do three operations.
Step One: Lift the 4, 5 small switches on the back of the amplifier as shown.
Step Two: According to the picture, connect the speaker cable to XLR 1+, 2-.
Step Three:Connect the speaker cable to the channel of the power amplifier circled in the picture, input to the A and C channels, and output to the A+B, C+D channel.

Why do we need to "bridge"?

►Early power amplifier products, because of the limitation of component parameters, single channel can not achieve high power output, but the bridge mode can meet the demand of high power output;

►Can save costs. The higher the power of a single channel, the more expensive the amplifier. Use bridge mode for high power output while reducing costs;

►The power amplifier mono power can not be applied to high-power size speakers, such as dual 18-inch ultra-low speakers, so the bridge mode is required to meet the high power requirements of the speaker;

►In large-scale live performances, the number of speakers is large and the power demand is large. When the environment is special, high-power speakers using multi-bridge mode will be promoted.

Does the bridge cause damage to the sound system?

► We all know that when the power of the amplifier is not enough to load the sound, the bridge is used. In fact, this connection is usually unstable, so we don't recommend using it often!

Choosing a bridge power amplifier to push the power speaker is not the best choice, it is the final plan. The attack rate doubles, but the user ignores a very important problem: The power amplifier bridge refers to the fact that the technical parameters of the two channels are completely equal, but it is actually impossible, even the world's top power amplifier is very Difficult to achieve.

Therefore, when bridging, the power mismatch causes the speaker to burn out (or the amplifier burns out), and the first one is still cross-distortion and the parameter imbalance of the two channels.

►Power amplifier bridge is often used in high-power subwoofers. It has an effect on the sound quality, but the human ear can't hear it.

Use a bridged amplifier to push the full frequency, and the sound from the speaker will make you feel refreshed. However, it is common to burn speakers or amplifiers in a disco. The first reason is that the power supply configuration is not good, or the pressure limit is not adjusted, and the DJ mixer level is over. The mixer has the highest input level and the output level is less than -10dB and will burn out.

Bridging is suitable for FP series amplifier:FP10000Q, FP14000, FP20000Q,FP22000Q, FP6000Q, FP9000, FP7000
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