2 ohms stable!how many digital amplifier with 4 channels
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2 ohms stable!how many digital amplifier with 4 channels

Views : 3534
Update time : 2021-03-10 11:29:22
If switch power amplifier VS digital amplifier,which one you more like to?
We get a feedback that more and more client like use digital amplifier,because the 1U size and light weight.
To hit the market,our factory do many research and testing,do some different models,all with 4 channels.The most important it working 2 ohms stable.

We have 4 channels model:D4-2500/D4-2000/D4-1800/D4-1600,it for different power for your choose,now let see what is the same and different with those models:
1.What is the same with this 4 digital amplifier models?
a.All for 1 U 4 channels digital amplifier
b.Working stable at 2 ohms
c.Suitable for line array speakers
d.Wide voltage:90-240V all can work stable
d.Weight for 14.5KG/pcs

2.What is the different about those models?
a.Power is difference

b.Suitable for different size line array speaker,Such as the D4-1600 suitable for single 8 inch full range speakers,the D4-2500 it suitable for double 15 inch line array speakers.

3.Are you sure it stable working at 2 ohms?
Let's follow our client feedback

Besides 4 channels digital amplifier,we also have other models with 2 channels;
And we also can have small power for K series digital amplifier.
If other models you need,follow us:https://www.sinbosenaudio.com/
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